Friday, August 29, 2008

Speed Settlers

About 3 years ago, I had an idea. A group of friends in the village would often get together to play games. One of those games that I enjoy very much is Settlers of Catan. We have the game along with all of the major expansions. If you haven't played it, I recommend it. However, you have to keep the game moving, or it can take a long time.

My idea.... speed settlers. We finally tried it out with Mike and Mindy. We started with 30 second time limit and went two or three rounds. While 30 seconds worked, we decided 45 seconds would work better. The game was fun, Elena won (she's on a streak of winning games), and she enjoyed it. She said she wasn't looking forward to playing, but that she enjoyed it. The game only lasted about 30 minutes.

For those people interested in playing yourselves. I used my watch as a timer, it resets automatically. We decided that a left over time from the person before you could be used. The decreased time is particularly difficult if a 7 is rolled and you're over the limit, and it really cuts into your time for trading. We may increase it a little next time we play.

An option that Mike came up with would be individual timers, and your given a limit for the game. For example, if you wanted the game to last just an hour and four people were playing, you give 15 minutes a piece on their individual timers that count down. If you run out of time, then you lose automatically.

Other favorite house rules... match play in Uno, $500 bonus when you land on go in Monopoly.

What games do you enjoy playing?
What are some of your favorite 'house rules'?


Dean, Andrea, Tanner, Landon, & Braddock said...

Elena!? How are you related to my aunt Sue and uncle Justin??? What a small world!

Andrew said...

Justin and I are cousins. Our mothers are sisters.

Mike and Mindy Williams said...

Speed Settlers sure was fun! Tagged you guys--!