Sunday, May 9, 2010

Yes, we are still alive.

For all of you out there wondering about the Baughs, WE ARE STILL KICKING!!! Some days just barely. Andrew has been on Night Float so I'm essentially running solo. I keep telling myself that billions of people have made the transition to two kids and survived. I was incredibly spoiled with Kara. She slept through the night from Day 1. Matthew, has not. His little body is working out the kinks. He has been a wee bit colicky (translation: screaming from 12 am to five am, among other times throughout the day). After 2-4 hours of inconsolable crying, he will make a tremendous amount of "wind" and settle right down. Looking like the adorable angel that he is. I know I'm biased but hey, I'm his mother. I'm supposed to think he is perfect.

You can't tell from the picture but his body is stiff as a board, this happens when there is a lot of pressure in his tummy. Usually his legs are sticking straight out but, I got lucky when I took the picture.

I (sometimes) get a few minutes to read when nursing. I just finished Fire of the Covenant by Gerald Lund. It is about the Martin and Willey handcart companies. I can't possibly imagine doing this transition in the middle of nowhere with no home and no washing machine. Let alone on rationed food. I'm still wondering how the pioneer women maintained some semblance of modesty while nursing their babies.


Playing peek-a-boo to try and get a smile.


Stacey said...

He's a cutie! Grey had colic and it is beyond tough! My doctor reminded me that if the baby is full, warm and dry that it is OK to leave him in the crib and take a mental health moment. Particularly when you're by yourself!. :) Hang in eventually goes away. BTW, many people swear by the all natural Gripe Water (the blue and green bottle). It never worked for Grey, but it might work for your little one. =)

Marly said...

remember back at the village when we had a few long talks. Yea, what you're going through is exactly why we had so many long talks. I don't have a lot of recommendations but I do know I took Connor out and pushed him in the swing a lot. It may not have helped him, but it sure helped me.