Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby is coming!

I've been a little stressed lately. This baby is due to arrive in 50 days. Yikes! I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!!!

Life doesn't stop so I can prepare for the next major life changing event. So, last night as I read Kara a story we've read so many times I can read it forwards and backwards I realized something.

This baby doesn't have to have a perfect room BEFORE he is born. I am going to have plenty of time to do that. He won't know if his walls have purple flowers or green/white polka dots. I don't have to have green polka dot fabric to make crib sheets. I need diapers and sleepers and a place to put him (Thanks Evan and Angie for letting me borrow the bassinet). Everything else will just come into place.

So, instead of stressing, I will read yet another story with Kara relaxed with my head back and eyes closed because most of our stories are memorized. Rather than thinking of the ten other things I think I need to do.


Cherise said...

Noelle is sleeping in a room with plain walls, and has never had anything cute in it to speak of - she has her bear and her pink blankets and that's all she really cares about now - my big kids have a plain room too. I'm realizing more and more that cute bedrooms and baby stuff are more for me than them - and really I can do without if it means having a little money saved up for fun times together as a family! So read Kara another book, spending time with your family is much more important!

Mike and Mindy Williams said...

Good for you!! I wish I was there to help with all the stuff you gotta do...I'd do it while you read story's to the beautiful Kara!

Emily said...

That's so true. I think it is so easy to get hung up on the little things that seem really important at the time, but sometimes those things cause us to miss out on the truly important things. Kara is very lucky to have a mother like you.

Melanie said...

Great perspective Elena. It's so true. They don't care as long as they're fed, clean and loved. Enjoy the time with Kara while you can. It's never quite the same once #2 comes. (Having #2, #3, #4, etc... is a blessing, but the one-on-one time is much more rare.)

Annie said...

That is so true. It is important to live in the moment!

Evan and Angeli Child said...

Elena I love your perspective. You'll never regret the time spent reading to Kara, and the walls will wait!

David G said...

I can't believe you're so close to having another. Exciting!!

Danielle said...

Good luck lovely girl! Wishing you my best! Hang in there!