Saturday, June 23, 2007

Moving (Part I - Arizona)

We packed up and moved. It was still a lot of work, even though we've kept a lot of things in boxes, and kept the boxes from our prior moves.

We had great help from our ward from Joseph and David, Joseph even recruited a few more ward members after our championship softball game to finish loading the truck since we had less than expected turn-out earlier.

We used ABF U-pack again. It's nice not to have to worry about driving the big truck and the expense of gas, it was a little worrisome trying to make sure we would get the parking spots we needed to fit a semi trailer in our apartment complex, but it actually worked out great. Now to drive the 1000+ miles to Houston...

1 comment:

Lolly Soulier said...

Moving is a pain! Your house is beautiful I can't wait to see it! We're flying down in November to visit Angie so we'll have to drop by.

~Lolly Soulier