Saturday, November 14, 2009


We went as Peter Pan, Wendy and Tinkerbell. I didn't get the family picture. Will have to add it later.
Kara after Trick or Treating.

Candy overload. All of us. She has only had a couple pieces, Andrew and I have eaten most of it.

No time for much narrative, still in pajamas and have to walk out the door in 22 minutes. Oops make that 21 minutes. Oh and in answer to all the questions, Yes we are expecting. Now the real question is who actually reads our blog?


Cherise said...

Yeay!! I was wondering after our short talk in the foyer last Sunday - Sunday is the hardest day of the week - so true, but especially true when you're expecting!! Let me know if you need help with Kara when you have your doctor appointments!

Emily said...


Marly said...

I read your blog, I'm just weeks behind on reading it.

David G said...

Cute tinkerbell! We read it, about as often as we post on our own;)