Friday, November 12, 2010

Gonna ride this one out

I've removed my shoes, stepped off the platform, strapped myself in, pulled down the bar and hanging on tight for this rollercoaster ride. I don't know how long it will last or how many loop the loops I will do. But it's going to happen no matter what.

Quick update:
Kara and Matthew are finally playing together maybe once a week.
Kara still will not sit next to Matthew and gets quite upset when he touches her.
Matthew smiles and giggles so much.
Matthew is ALMOST crawling. He's trying so hard to get to the things/places that he wants. Eventually he turns enough circles that he gets to where he wants.

Andrew working many, many hours.
I am running around, literally and figuratively.
I'm learning how to write. Again.
I am organizing. (Sigh) I really like organizing. I keep thinking if I organize enough, my life will be simpler.
I am earning an award. Soon, I hope.

We are hanging on tight for this ride. Keep checking back, someday we will post about our craziness.